Sunday, March 30, 2014


Good Morning everyone! How have you been? I'm well - just seriously de-thawing. I see it's been since JAN when I last wrote and I must say, my Go-Go Juice truly did freeze over. Crazy winter we've all had and I think I can say for us all, how nice it is to see some higher temps. (Well, for maybe not for those who live in California or Florida or other much warmer territories). We managed to get into the 50's until yesterday when the high went to 39 and it rained and oh - snowed. Really now? But I see 60's in the forecast the next couple weeks...hopefully it really happens. Since my last post, I've been swamped. Took on a new job that has kept me on my toes non-stop. Absolutely love it! Not a whole lot of time for myself, but then with the weather, not much to do anyway. Heck, it's been an ongoing challenge just to go shopping let alone doing anything fun. But to beat the "cabin-fever" mind set, my family has spent a great deal of time watching movies...we love family time. And of course, we recently watched Disney's Frozen. What a great film! Haven't seen it? Go get a copy! You'll fall in love with Olaf, the Snowman. We tend to watch a lot of movies together - Family Time is very important. Whether in a hotel room, our RV or snuggled up in the family room, we huddle around and pass the popcorn (or, Kit Kat bars, Maltballs, Raisenettes,or anything with chocolate and full of fattening calories!) It's fun to share and listen to my children giggle or share in frightening surprises or be awed by the wonders of movie magic. Once the weather truly warms up, our family will be looking to go places - places with water like a beach or a lake (that's our favorite). Although, we're not with our kids - two are grown up and living on their own. That's hard since one lives terribly far away, so we Skype frequently with her and one lives not too far, but her work schedule doesn't mesh with ours as well, but we keep trying. Life is too short to not have quality time with your family. So as our winter turns to spring and your Go-Go Juice thaws, start planning "us-time" with your family. Life is too short not too. Until my next post, may your Go-Go Juice inspire you to live life to its fullest.