I am but a loss for words, however compelled to reach out to the families and friends of those who lost their lives in West Virginia’s mine explosion. For those who are not aware, the explosion occurred Monday April 5th, at Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch Mine, 30 miles south of Charleston, killing approximately 25 people with 4 still missing currently. Today, thanks to the family of 25 year old Josh Napper, (father, son and fiancĂ©) one of the killed miners, went public with a note he’d written a day before the explosion. As quoted from AP news, the note read:
"Dear Mommy and Jenna," Pam Napper recalled. "If anything happens to me, I will be looking down from heaven. If you take care of my baby girl, watch over (her), tell her all the good things about her daddy. She was so cute and funny. She was my little peanut. And Jennifer, I know things have never been the greatest sometimes, but I just want you to know I love you and I care about you."
Most of the mine workers had a sick sense of something wrong with the mine when the company sent them home early that prior Friday of April 2nd having issues with the ventilation systems. However, the issues were obviously not identified fully or resolved.
So many Americans lose their lives in various dangerous job functions, but we know the risks and those who take those risks are amazing people. To our mineworkers, firefighters, law enforcement, drillers, construction workers, manufacturers, automakers, assembly line people, and all those not mentioned who face dangerous obstacles everyday while keeping America going and making a living to boot – we are humbled, we are grateful, we are honored at your drive, tenacity and courage.
To the family and friends of the WV mine disaster, our hearts and prayers are with you. May all your loved ones rest in peace and may all the survivors of those lost, find peace within as well.
Using the Gift of Gab,Victoria places focus on random thoughts of news, employment, travel-n-tourism and family ideas that are uplifting and motivating. Join her for a cup of Go-Go Juice to rev up your engines...the most important juice of the day!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Time For Go-Go Juice! - The End of 12-Years is Near!
Hey – we made it! It’s FRIDAY!!! Nearing the end of the day from another long exhausting week – thank heavens for our Go-Go Juice as it keeps us going each and every day. Tomorrow, being Saturday – you know I posted how I love to sleep in on Saturdays? Well, not tomorrow – Cassy gets her Prom dress tomorrow! It’s already that time. Good Grief! Now time is going to fly! Her last day in school is May 26th and graduates June 6th! Wow…where has the time gone? I still remember her in pigtails and jumping up and down to ride the school bus back in 2nd grade. The world will be her oyster now. She has extreme talent in arts and design. I once thought she was going to become a fashion designer as she’s been creating her own dresses and outfits since younger than 5 years old – on the computer even. She’s amazing with her unique ideas. Then, a couple years ago, she got interested in architecture, where she swore she was going to get into interior design. I had her help me with some ideas with my last hotel. However, this year, you know what she said? She now has interest in becoming a teacher for kids under age 10. She explained that she loves kids – I have to admit she’s wonderful with her baby sister Melissa and she’s been doing some babysitting lately, but I wonder where she got her inspiration. I have a feeling she may be changing her desires a few more times. She’s heard our analogies of how people get college degrees then get into careers that have nothing to do with the degrees or academics they studied for. How many of you can say the same? That’s the tough thing when choosing a college or area of study. So many young teens choose so early in life – not to say it’s bad, but so many don’t have practical knowledge or hands on experience to truly decide what they want to be when they grow up? But then, how many of us reach 40 and still don’t! LOL. I’ve encouraged her to just get started no matter what – so many basic classes can get behind her so she can excel later when she’s ready. But for now, I know she’s not thinking classes. She’s thinking freedom…freedom to choose, freedom from 12 years of homework, studies and reaching for top grades as best as she can. She’s looking to find herself where she can make her mark in this world. And I know she can’t wait ‘till she can say to her siblings, “Ha, you have to go to school, but I don’t!” Plus she’s also stated she’s looking forward to getting employed. She worked in my hotel part time and enjoyed having a bank account and going shopping. What teenager doesn’t? Life is good! The employed part? I don’t know. As bad as the economy is, I would think (or at least hope) that kids fresh out of school are easier to get an entry level job (as someone starting fresh with no experience) than those of us who’ve been around the block a few times. So, here’s to you Cassy – just 34 more days of school! My baby…where’s the tissue? Top off your Go-Go Juice and have a great Friday night!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Time For Go-Go Juice! - Where's Your Inspiration?
Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire.
But if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate
To say thay for destruction ice
Is also great And would suffice.
- By Robert Frost
Good Morning. How is your Go-Go Juice brewing this morning? You know, I love to write. And, there are so many authors out there whose creative minds empowering people with so much inspiration and motivation. I am a fond admirer of Robert Frost, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emily Dickenson and Edgar Allan Poe to name but a few. When I had noticed my children studying the poem above by Robert Frost with less enthusiasm than I would have liked, it dawned on me to wonder in our modern hustle and bustle of life, has our society strayed away from the wondrous thoughts and ideas of our history’s past. There was once a quality of life, where morals and ethics were strong in not just adults but our youth. Yet today, I see teenagers and young adults alike show less and less interest in idyllic philosophies. So many are running around meeting agendas, competing for the best popularity, racing to make points and see who’s more impressive by behavior and looks. That or they’re heads are stuck between two mini ear buds blaring music that whisks them away from realities while they sprain finger tips to see how many text messages they can send out in a day. Very few stop to smell the roses anymore. How can one understand the depth and meaning within a rose by its mere color and shape? And is there time anymore in our hurried lifestyles to ponder such meanings anyway? I would like to believe there is. For what will life have meant if only to have delivered and served without feeling its contours or tasting its flavors? Here is your challenge today and maybe for the rest of the week – while you go to work and do what you do, take a step back and take a taste of your result. Sample your product or service to enjoy its pleasures, to understand what your consumers are getting and see if it doesn’t inspire you to try something different or add spices to make it better. If not at work, try it at the park. Don’t just walk your dog for exercise and so he/she can do his/her duty; but, breathe in the air, look at the trees and take in the multiple colors of nature. It is springtime and nature has so much to offer in contours, aromas, and is richly bountiful with inspiration. Keep that Go-Go Juice brewing so your mind stays fresh, your body invigorated and your spirit stimulated. I’m heading for another refill! Have a truly inspired day!
From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire.
But if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate
To say thay for destruction ice
Is also great And would suffice.
- By Robert Frost
Good Morning. How is your Go-Go Juice brewing this morning? You know, I love to write. And, there are so many authors out there whose creative minds empowering people with so much inspiration and motivation. I am a fond admirer of Robert Frost, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emily Dickenson and Edgar Allan Poe to name but a few. When I had noticed my children studying the poem above by Robert Frost with less enthusiasm than I would have liked, it dawned on me to wonder in our modern hustle and bustle of life, has our society strayed away from the wondrous thoughts and ideas of our history’s past. There was once a quality of life, where morals and ethics were strong in not just adults but our youth. Yet today, I see teenagers and young adults alike show less and less interest in idyllic philosophies. So many are running around meeting agendas, competing for the best popularity, racing to make points and see who’s more impressive by behavior and looks. That or they’re heads are stuck between two mini ear buds blaring music that whisks them away from realities while they sprain finger tips to see how many text messages they can send out in a day. Very few stop to smell the roses anymore. How can one understand the depth and meaning within a rose by its mere color and shape? And is there time anymore in our hurried lifestyles to ponder such meanings anyway? I would like to believe there is. For what will life have meant if only to have delivered and served without feeling its contours or tasting its flavors? Here is your challenge today and maybe for the rest of the week – while you go to work and do what you do, take a step back and take a taste of your result. Sample your product or service to enjoy its pleasures, to understand what your consumers are getting and see if it doesn’t inspire you to try something different or add spices to make it better. If not at work, try it at the park. Don’t just walk your dog for exercise and so he/she can do his/her duty; but, breathe in the air, look at the trees and take in the multiple colors of nature. It is springtime and nature has so much to offer in contours, aromas, and is richly bountiful with inspiration. Keep that Go-Go Juice brewing so your mind stays fresh, your body invigorated and your spirit stimulated. I’m heading for another refill! Have a truly inspired day!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Time For Go-Go Juice! - Are Your Wheels Spinning?
Hey – is it Friday yet? Ok, it’s at least at the “hump” of the week - Wednesday. Good grief! It’s just been a crazy couple days. I think I oops’d yesterday and not only missed our morning chat, but forgot to put some oomph in my Go-Go juice! I’m still feeling the effect this morning. I just can’t seem to get the steam rollin’. Ever had one of those days? The nature of my cold continues to linger and has become a well wrapped gift to others. My bad. However, somehow, even when we’re dragged down into the pits we manage to find a spark of energy to keep lighting those candles of motivation. However, I should have lit a candle before day light yesterday because it became a morning where I should have just turned over and had just gone back to sleep. Yesterday, I tried to drive my car out first thing in the morning to run a quick errand and instead, from Ohio’s lovely weather patterns of rain, I discovered my yard had become nothing more than a muddy marsh. My tires got stuck in the mud causing me to spin my wheels relentlessly no matter which direction I turned. Forward, backward - side to side, the car just would not budge. Still barely awake – the candle began to flicker as four of us (and the help of a thick board) had somehow finally caused the car to move an inch and she suddenly flew a mile backwards out of a muddy disaster. Sadly, the rest of the day seemed to mimic the same. No matter what terrain I drove, tires would get stuck and I’d be seeing my wheels spin again. There is nothing more frustrating than spinning your wheels – and it seems to get worse when the terrain drives through the heads of teenagers. That’s right – you know the type…kids who are 15 going 30, who’ve become omniscient, rebellious, opinionated, who speak more with their hands flying through the air than Lewis Black on a good night. As a mom, I’ve become a spectator watching the comical routine more and more between my husband and my son. What is it with guys? It seems to me that men and their boys have a unique relationship. They’re like rams with huge horns on their heads, always butting each other like they’re in some competition, proving to one another who’s bigger, better, smarter; then my wheels spin wondering who’s the kid and who’s the adult. And if that’s not mind boggling, after emotions have flared and the two peacocks have yanked each other’s feathers out, the two cocky fouls are later found joking around as if nothing had happened and they’re now the best of buds of all times. I just roll my eyes, sigh and say, “Whatever”. I guess, boys will be boys and men will be men. And somehow in that statement, men are boys and boys are men – they are one of the same. This is where I stop worrying about the wheels spinning and just get out letting them figure out how to maneuver around. And you know what’s really funny – is after is all said and done, they’re still going to turn to me as a female and ask me for directions. Fill your Go-Go Juice with sweetness and goodness and lots of patients, this way if your wheels get stuck, you’ll still get through the day. Have an amazingly good day!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Time For Go-Go Juice! - Spice Up Your Life and Plan for Flavor!
Well, good afternoon. It’s Monday and the start of a new week. What will your Go-Go Juice deliver for you? Have you got a plan, routine or schedule already laid out? Does it appear similar to last week or have your shaken up things a bit and added something new and exciting? It really is a good question…as people we are creatures of habit and are always at risk of complacency, dull drums, and repetitious behaviors. No doubt, there comes a day when the lackluster hits us in the toosh and we realize there’s a void but we have trouble identifying what it is. Or, it’s something we know, but can’t get a grip on it for whatever reasons and it becomes an annoying thorn in our sides. When you’re a manager in charge of people, maybe it’s the environment or the cycle of daily events that never seems to change. Remember, you’re in charge – maybe you could spice things up by getting staff involved in a “department decorating contest” or challenge your staff with performance measures and develop an internal contest for competition that focuses on productivity or guest scores or sales. Maybe it’s a community involvement that your staff could initiate – food drives, habitat for humanity, neighborhood clean ups, raise funds for charity and do car washing or lemonade sales or sample your own restaurant food while raising funds for charity. Maybe it’s not work related at all…maybe it’s your home environment – the kids schedules are relenting and demanding. Instead of letting the kids dictate where they need to go, you set a family plan of entertainment that puts focus on quality into the family while letting you take control of the wheel more. Maybe it’s too much excitement and you need a day of rest. I have friends whose lives are never the same – but get warn down just as easily. They actually grow tired of having too much change and too much excitement. But planning can really make a difference in your life no matter what you apply it to. Fail to plan, plan to fail – such a good lesson to learn, yet so many of us forget the importance of planning. And, as a part of my message, it’s not enough to plan, but to ensure you’re accomplishing something that will add flavor to your life – for both work and at home. Flavor my friends is as important to the goal as is the goal itself. Have you ever made soup with just meat drippings and water? It’s very bland, plain and quite unpleasant to the taste buds. No doubt, it will fill your tummy when you’re hungry, but even then for just a short time. Cooks love to experiment with soups because once you have a base ingredient for which you start with, cooks try all kinds of veggies and spices to change the flavor in essence to get that “wow” effect. True cooks are passionate with both flavor and presentation. So let that be the focus of your Monday today – how to season your home or work week! Get passionate and add flavor – and who knows, it may turn out good enough to keep everyone around you asking for more! Enjoy your day and I hope your week ahead is grand. Join me tomorrow for another cup of Go-Go Juice! I truly enjoy our chats.
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