Sunday, October 24, 2010

Time for Go-Go Juice - My Cup is Reved Up!

Wow! It's been since June since I wrote in my blog and realized that my cup got so reved up that I forgot to share - I got a job! Pretty amazing after all we had gone through and sad, that there's still so many more waiting for their turns to get out of the unemployment line! So, where has my journey taken us? To central Virginia where I am now the Hotel GM for a Hyatt hotel! My Go-Go juice has been filled with meeting new people, motivating new staff, turning a property around to improve company scores and helping my family re-adjust to their new surroundings.

I would love to maintain my blog and hopefully provide some interesting trivia and news as our journey continues, but for the most part, my blogs will remain short, but hopefully valuable. My Go-Go Juice blog will always remain personal and continue to advocate for families, the unemployed, the less privledged and be a place to motivate and raise the strengths of others. I will always welcome ideas, comments and continued support - like most, our journey will never end and is ever changing!

For those of you who read and watched our life the last two years know from first hand my philosophy...never give up, falling down just means standing back up and always be thankful to those who keep you standing! And NEVER go anywhere or do anything without your own Go-Go Juice - the one and only inner motivator that no one else can provide!

Have a fantastic week ahead! I will be writing again soon!

Love and blessings!
