Using the Gift of Gab,Victoria places focus on random thoughts of news, employment, travel-n-tourism and family ideas that are uplifting and motivating. Join her for a cup of Go-Go Juice to rev up your engines...the most important juice of the day!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Time For Go-Go Juice! - Can Laziness Actually be Productive Too?
Good Morning to all my readers! It’s a lazy Saturday – did you bring your Go-Go Juice? I did – let’s chat. I love Saturdays! They’re the one day a week I get to sleep in. This morning I’m in grey sweats! So comfy! How can you go wrong in sweats? They stretch in every direction you move, they keep you toasty on chilly mornings, and they go great with tennis shoes! It would be great to wear sweats at interviews or at jobs…you think I’m joking? Those who know me would tell you otherwise! Look – they’re not only comfortable, but quick to put on and some are extremely stylish! When I travel in suits for meetings, no doubt I wear the full get up – blazer, pants or skirt, proper blouse and a good set of heals for the meetings. But, I keep a pair of tennis shoes and pair of sweats to change into after business is conducted whenever it is possible. When I’m walking airports, do you think I wear my heals? Heck no. I switch into my tennis shoes – although, they don’t go together. However, I think there’s a way to create and produce “business tennies” to go with people’s suits – especially women. Men get to wear stylish flats that I’ve been told are tremendously comfortable on their feet. Have you seen women’s flats? I think they’re plain and totally uncomfortable. Most have no cush! I picture black, brown or white tennis shoes with big fancy bows made of lace to go with a women’s suit attire. Have you seen Ellen DeGenres feet? She wears tennis shoes! “Oh, don’t even go there!” I know what you’re thinking…she likes ‘girls’. But that doesn’t mean she acts like a boy! In fact, she has many feminine qualities. Do you know who else does work in both tennis shoes and sweats? Bill Belichick – one of my favorite football coaches of all teams. He is the head coach for the New England team Patriots! Whether or not you’re a football fan, (like I am) if you watch the games, you’ll notice that most coaches dress in at least slacks and a dress shirt with a sports jacket. Not Bill! Every single game he has ever played, you can count on him wearing his sweats and tennies! I swear it’s the key to his success! I’m making a point here folks…we spend way too much time on dressing to impress than getting the job done. We place so much focus on attire that it almost takes attention away from the goals. I practically fired a department head for spending too much time on fixing and straightening his dress shirt cuffs than rolling them up and putting effort and labor into his department. We are not manikins to make a department or company “look good” – it’s our performance and result that makes the impression. So who’s with me? All in favor of allowing sweats and tennis shoes at jobs and interviews say, “Aye!” Well, my hand is up – the business world may not be ready yet. Give it some thought. Who knows – maybe 10 years from now, we can embrace ideas that can put productivity to the top of the list while making happy people at the same time. Enjoy your Saturday and be lazy! In our race around world getting things done, everyone needs at least one day to re-energize, re-load and be rested to accomplish more in the days ahead. Good Shabbat to my Jewish friends and family for today and a Happy Easter to everyone else tomorrow! Be sure to light your candles for important reflective time and say a prayer for your neighbor. Be good to yourself and relish in your cup of Go-Go Juice, the most important juice of the day. See you Monday!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Time For Go-Go Juice! - More People in Jobs is a Toast with Margaritas!
TGIF! The end of another week…and a long one at that. Good morning! How’s your GO-GO Juice brewing this morning? Mine needs a couple extra doses of caffeine from being so drained from fighting the virus, calling on employers and entertaining the family. A mom’s job is never done. It would be so cool if a vacation fairy flew down and whisked me away to some hidden island beach with warm winds, a cozy hammock gently swinging under a palm tree with a double margarita at my finger tips. Oh, and an endless bowl of chips and salsa! No demands, no noise – just the sounds of soft waves, distant seagulls and the sweet smell of coconut oil…total bliss. Well, that was a nice day dream! Back to reality. I noticed that Yahoo posted the announcement of record breaking employment increases – apparently March produced the largest job gain in the last three years since before our economic crash prior to December of 2007. The labor department showed employers had added 162,000 jobs for the month. This includes 48,000 temp jobs for the Census Bureau. You can see the report if you copy and paste this link: In my industry, I see that Leisure and Hospitality added 22,000 of those jobs as well. Too bad, I’m not in that statistic. But it will happen. It’s all about numbers at this point. Sadly however, it is yet a far cry of an economic turnaround. There are still over 15 million Americans out of work. Slow as it is, it is progression, though. And, now that summer is around the corner, I suspect more job openings will occur as business increases. I wonder how many Americans have gone out of country to seek employment. That could mean increased global business for other countries by an increase of temporary residents. Again, though it means people are struggling and taking the bull by the horns – as best they can. For instance, Mr. Frank Harris, of Lafayette Louisiana who once made a decent six figure salary with an MBA degree who lost his job over a year ago, took his drive and began mowing lawns. As reported by Laura Bassett of Huffington Post, he now has 36 customers and is making approximately $45,000 a year based on price per customer and frequency. You can read his story by going to this link: However, it too, came with a many compromises besides a decreased income. He doesn’t spend as much time with his family and his mind and body has taken a good licking! I feel for him. But my friends, this is what I have referred to in my prior posts…the human spirit is amazing! We are survivors and will conquer this economy one way or another! If you too, are one of the unemployed – there’s still money out there and markets untapped! Take a look at your talents and see how you too, can capitalize on selling what you do best. It’s not the easiest way to recover, but never say, “Never”. As long as you keep at it and try something different, surely you too will have a success story to share. It’s time for another fill up – enjoy your day wherever you are. Tap yourself on the back for making it through another day. And, put Island Napping on the top of your list – that way, what you work towards, just might get you to where you want to go.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Time For Go-Go Juice! - Giant Sea Creatures Attack California's Coast Line!
Wow – my morning has been tied to CNN’s breaking news – a huge weather pattern has developed off the south coast of California near San Diego and while the waves have hit a record breaking 15ft in heighth, the rumbling of water has pulled up some deep sea creatures that make the sharks look timid. According to the news, beaches will be closed while these animals are gathered up by California’s Department of Fish and Game. Huge and grotesque, beach residents are wondering what the heck they are – Water Dust Mites? Deep Sea Cockroaches? Enormous Poisonous Pill Bugs? Actually, the department calls them, Giant Isopod (Bathynomus Giganteus). Officials are warning the public to avoid the ever so popular beaches until they can control the situation. My cousin lives in that area…I wonder what she thinks? Copy and Paste this link to see the creatures! But consider yourself warned as the photos can be horrifying.
Good Morning my friend. Did you check out that site? Ha, made you look! Well, the animal is real and was pulled up from the depths of the ocean and yes, it appears that Southern California is going to get some heavy showers and lightening over the next 24 hours, but the beaches are still open – providing you want to play in the rain. The tea leaves in my Go-Go Juice said to have a little fun this morning. Happy April Fool’s day. Tomorrow marks Good Friday and Peter Cottontail makes his way through the forest carrying loads of colored eggs, chocolate and marshmallow goop by Sunday for Easter. My little Melissa (she’s 3-yrs old) will have a blast! But what’s funny is that I actually felt some sorrow when my 18 year old told me she would not be participating in an Egg Hunt this year. Now – once she turned 12 long ago, I told her she was too old for Egg Hunts, but each year she’s insisted on participating – that she’s never too old or too big to find the sweet goodness of chocolate bunnies and fruity jelly beans at Easter, until now. Folks – my little girl has finally grown up. :( Oh my. The emotional tug-o-wars of being a mom, really sucks. I should be celebrating – 1 kid will soon be out of the nest with 4 still to go. What am I thinking? This is a time of celebration – a time to rejoice in the resurrection of parental freedom – she’ll be responsible for herself! She will get a job and pay her own bills! She can sleep whatever hours she wants in her own home – which won’t disturb me! And then, when she gets sick…oh, well, who will cook her up some soup? Who will help tuck her warmly into bed and ensure she’s wearing cozy socks on her feet? And, if she gets hurt, who will kiss her boo-boo? Oh, crap! Well, maybe I can convince her to hang around for a little longer. Ya, right – not only will she laugh at that idea, but no doubt Dad will keep his arm around me tight while kissing his daughter and giving her a departing gift as he guides her out the door. Lol. Now, how did I get onto this depressing subject? Oh yea, happy go-lucky Egg Hunts. Well, if you have kids, be sure you give them a hug today! Time flies and then they’re gone. And moms, because your babies are gone, you may find yourself buying Egg decorations at Wal-Mart just to cheer yourself up to remind you of your children’s past, the fond memories that will only suck you back into depression – the very reason you bought all that stuff as prevention. Oh – well, I think I’m going to go back to the mighty Giant Isopod pictures and change out the liquid in my Go-Go Juice! I need some new thoughts. Enjoy your day! And don’t get too mad at your friend who threw the “Kick Me” sign on your back.
Good Morning my friend. Did you check out that site? Ha, made you look! Well, the animal is real and was pulled up from the depths of the ocean and yes, it appears that Southern California is going to get some heavy showers and lightening over the next 24 hours, but the beaches are still open – providing you want to play in the rain. The tea leaves in my Go-Go Juice said to have a little fun this morning. Happy April Fool’s day. Tomorrow marks Good Friday and Peter Cottontail makes his way through the forest carrying loads of colored eggs, chocolate and marshmallow goop by Sunday for Easter. My little Melissa (she’s 3-yrs old) will have a blast! But what’s funny is that I actually felt some sorrow when my 18 year old told me she would not be participating in an Egg Hunt this year. Now – once she turned 12 long ago, I told her she was too old for Egg Hunts, but each year she’s insisted on participating – that she’s never too old or too big to find the sweet goodness of chocolate bunnies and fruity jelly beans at Easter, until now. Folks – my little girl has finally grown up. :( Oh my. The emotional tug-o-wars of being a mom, really sucks. I should be celebrating – 1 kid will soon be out of the nest with 4 still to go. What am I thinking? This is a time of celebration – a time to rejoice in the resurrection of parental freedom – she’ll be responsible for herself! She will get a job and pay her own bills! She can sleep whatever hours she wants in her own home – which won’t disturb me! And then, when she gets sick…oh, well, who will cook her up some soup? Who will help tuck her warmly into bed and ensure she’s wearing cozy socks on her feet? And, if she gets hurt, who will kiss her boo-boo? Oh, crap! Well, maybe I can convince her to hang around for a little longer. Ya, right – not only will she laugh at that idea, but no doubt Dad will keep his arm around me tight while kissing his daughter and giving her a departing gift as he guides her out the door. Lol. Now, how did I get onto this depressing subject? Oh yea, happy go-lucky Egg Hunts. Well, if you have kids, be sure you give them a hug today! Time flies and then they’re gone. And moms, because your babies are gone, you may find yourself buying Egg decorations at Wal-Mart just to cheer yourself up to remind you of your children’s past, the fond memories that will only suck you back into depression – the very reason you bought all that stuff as prevention. Oh – well, I think I’m going to go back to the mighty Giant Isopod pictures and change out the liquid in my Go-Go Juice! I need some new thoughts. Enjoy your day! And don’t get too mad at your friend who threw the “Kick Me” sign on your back.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Time For Go-Go Juice! - The Joke May Be on You!
I swear there’s nothing better than a steamy hot cup of coffee lightly sweetened top with the creamy goodness of a cow’s gold. (OK, well that actually sounds like butter, yuck – so to set it straight, I’m referring to half and half). :) Good morning! It’s March 31rst, last day of the month. How many of you are making “End of the month Special” for dinner tonight? You know, something like sliced up potatoes, mixed with three different leftovers from the refrigerator, with a few dashes of various spices to add flavor, served with a side of veggies – and a bottle of ketchup? Some call it a casserole, but what’s funny is my husband made me promise 22 years ago upon getting married, to never ever serve him a casserole. He said his mom made them too many times growing up so, I’ve never made one. Instead, I make end of the month surprises. I know, it’s psychological. However, being at the end of the month brings us into a new month and tomorrow marks what? April 1st, also known as April Fool’s day. You know, we’re a funny bunch of people (no pun intended) when you think about how we label days of celebration. But, I seriously wonder how our various traditions get started. So here’s some trivia to share: April 1st was once considered the first day of spring and therefore was the beginning of a new year. This goes way back to the 1400’s or so. However, sometime around the mid 1500’s in France, a Gregorian calendar was implemented changing the New Year celebration to January 1st. When the calendar changed, there were still people who didn’t get the “message” and were left in disbelief. These people were considered to be fools and hence, were made “fun” of and harassed for their obstinacy. Practical jokes evolved and the tradition soon carried into England and Scotland by the 18th century. Since American history is English, Irish and Scottish based, you can see why such traditions were carried over. It goes to say, traditions die hard. Today, everyone still plays seemingly harmless practical jokes on April first. Now, what do you do when your friend or loved one is born on such a day? Well, my Grandfather was an April Fools baby and my mother tells me of how she made sure he got his fair share. My grandfather was a huge coffee drinker! (Must be where I get it from). In her twenties, she worked at a diner as a waitress and he joined her for coffee every morning before work. Now, he used to load his coffee with heaping teaspoons of sugar. So, what’s a good way to get back at your dad? Just before he arrived, she switched his sugar with salt. Needless to say, he started his day with an abrupt puckering experience. Where’s a camera when you need one? Laughter my friends, is the best medicine to a healthy heart. Just remember, as you prepare to give your best friend a puckering experience tomorrow, remember, some jokes backfire – and the laugh is on you, but all in good fun. I hope that April 1st for me, marks a new year of lots of sunshine, warmth and just maybe a job. I wish the same for you! Let your Go-Go Juice fill you with creativity and lots of energy. Have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Time For Go-Go Juice! - Immigration vs. the Almighty Dollar!
Another day, another dollar! Hmmm – that saying doesn’t seem to have as much “oomph” in it like it used to, does it? Good Tuesday to ya! How’s your Go-Go Juice brewing today? You know, mine is simmering a bit – especially when I think about our economy and how life is so expensive now a days. It’s not even so much what goes out of my pocket book – heck, mine just collects dust and spider webs anyway. Nope, I tend to worry more about my fellow man. Especially my neighbors. I’m gonna touch on a topic today that’s very touchy, political and controversial. However, it affects me as a neighbor, as a manager and as a friend. It’s the issue revolving around immigration. Before I begin my thought, I know that our country has a massive economic problem. No doubt we are having a hard enough time turning our economy around with “our own citizens”, but to do so with those who are labeled as “illegal” seems to heat up the pot of “brewing stew”. While I am not going to make this topic of rebuttal – we have enough people in the media who can do this more effectively than I. However, I’ve made some observations and wish to share them. As a manager who has been hiring US citizens and individuals from other countries for years, I’ve been well informed and experienced with immigration issues. In the past, my former staff members would work various seasons with my company. In effort to be considered legal, they had to produce a US Social Security Card, which they are able to acquire when they present the administration with a verifiable and up to date passport and green card. Upon taking a position, they have to present all three ID’s: Passport for photo and name, green card with expiration date (the ok from their government) and the US Social Security Card – no doubt for US number tracking system. When the green cards expire, the individual must return to their country and apply for another one. The worst part of doing this is the cost. My former staff members have explained that the cost to getting a green card can range up to $3,000. Now, some foreign staff members do this once or twice a year – especially due to the cost and for the fact that they’re goals are to receive better training and experience to move upwards in their careers, therefore, they don’t have to be here all the time. Some have said that US compensation is far better than “home” and the seasonal work in the US, helps out at home too. Now, with that said, I’ve had foreign workers who wanted to become US citizens for quality of life reasons – but they must reside in the US for 10-years to qualify. During these ten years, they must maintain a second home in their foreign land as well and return as usual, then pay the money to come back to US soil each and every time. If you crunch the numbers, that’s a lot of money to pay out over 10-years. How many individuals and families can truly afford to do this? Plenty of Americans are already labeling foreign residents who work here as “people who are willing to work lower paying jobs”. Mind you, I’ve also heard in the news that those same jobs are jobs Americans are “unwilling” to work, which I think is poppy-cock. I don’t think it’s the amount of compensation that’s in question. Personally, I think it has to do with the labor itself – making people till a land by hands and fingers rather than invest in proper equipment that most farmers do to have machines do the work. It’s called “slave labor” and I’m ashamed of farmers who take advantage of human beings to make a huge profit in that way. Regardless, if they’re working for low wages, how can they maintain cost of living here, plus the costs to go home and come back? I think too many US citizens would rather ignore the issue than truly look at it. While I don’t think it’s “the” problem for Illegal Immigrants, I do believe it’s playing a huge role to having so many here when they shouldn’t be. They are stuck here and can’t afford to go home, let alone afford to come back. Therefore, as all humans are survivors, our foreign neighbors do what they have to in order to survive. I recently learned that neighbors of mine are here “illegally”. They are a very nice family – very respectable. They struggle with our economy as much as you and I do. But, having recently learned that their status has expired, they are in fear for their own lives. They can’t return and fear they will “lose it all” if they do. Dreams and hard work – down the toilet all because of the mighty dollar. You know my friends; Lady Liberty stands in our harbor every day for 365 days a year for how many years? AND, she is French! What is American? Let’s not forget that the United States stands for humanity, quality of life and as a body of people who come together for those less fortunate. We are a melting pot of foreign lands. Have we become so overcrowded that our judgments have been blurred? While I do believe our federal dollars continue to be spent in the wrong directions and that includes investments into those who are not “supposed to be here”, why not create programs that even foreign people can afford to invest in that helps them build up enough equity or the funding needed to become citizens? No doubt, these same people pay taxes – maybe they can pay into special programs that become like a “self-funded” system that enables them to acquire citizenship – something different that doesn’t eat into our already diminished budgets. We all support dreams and aspirations – why would this be any different? It’s hurting us. The US government spends much of our own hard earned money into foreigners who have yet to “pay their dues” so to speak. It pains me to see people have to spend so much money to become a citizen of another country. It’s almost like human slavery – buying and selling people. Our neighboring governments are asking for way too much from their citizens to leave their country to come to the US and the US is saying, “It’s ok – as long as they’re legal”. Something just doesn’t sit right with me on this one. It’s definitely worth some extra quality thought in how we go about our immigration laws or ways we “trade” with other countries. Surely there’s an idea or program that hasn’t been thought of that can reduce our “illegal” neighbors, raise the quality of life for foreigners and help people live in a country that no doubt needs their hard earned money too. Well, that’s my thought for the day. I can see I’m slowly but surely getting better. ;) Keep your Go-Go Juice brewing – out of the box ideas are dependent on it! Have a tremendously great day!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Time For Go-Go Juice! - The Dead Has Risen...
Good Monday Morning! How has your Go-Go Juice been revving these days? Funny, while tonight marks the first night of Passover, a week long celebration for those of Jewish faith, a celebration that Death once passed over homes marked with lambs blood, as well as a celebration of freedom from slavery and oppression, not to mention capped at the end of the week in the celebration of Easter, whereas the King of Jews is celebrated by Christians in the Holy resurrection of His reference to the "Risen Dead" does not tie into the religious holidays. In fact, it's more a metaphoric reference to that of an amoeba that is transformed into beautiful living creature. This is how I am feeling. At probably 20% improvement in my battle over this virus, I feel like I'm finally pushing through a crusty shell of hell. I've been offline for a number of days, no doubt missing our morning and afternoon chats. School is back in session from a week of Spring Break - always a good thing for mom's and dad's. We're now into the final stretch. Probably the hardest, cause we all know the end is near. My oldest is graduating and the excitement now builds. The biggest topic in the house is now prom dress, up-do's, nails done, accessories, and cap/gown. Oh boy, I'm not sure I'm ready! In fact, I know I'm not. But isn't that life? Somehow, the show must go on, as they say in the entertainment world. That's another thing I admire about the Human Spirit - whether plans come together or not, whether the road traveled is bumpy or smooth, we are survivors and conquerors. We always prevail one way or another. So, I too, will strive to move onward. Enjoy your Go-GO Juice today - let it rev up your engines for this new week and keep you surviving the tides. Have a great day!
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