Good Evening to my many readers! I bet you wondered if I had fallen off the face of the planet – or if I just simply drowned in my own Go-Go Juice? LOL! Well, to say the least, I’ve been writing how my schedule has been getting busier by the minute. Writing daily has become most challenging. Please tell me you’ve been good to yourself and keeping your Go-Go Juice nearby and drinking plenty of it! Let’s start with some updates –
Notice the site change? I thought it was time to juice up my blog. I’ve changed a few things, besides color schemes – I’ve also changed my Adsense – again, click into what you see is interesting! Lord knows I need the income. Heck, now I’m sending one child off to college! Four more to go! Good grief, help me! You’ll also notice a couple new additions – I’m now Twittering! Tweet – Tweet! So, follow me as you wish! Also, I’m doing more on Fiverr – I now encourage people to post their websites on my blog to help them broaden their market opportunities. Go to my Fiverr for this project and I’ll add your site to my blog! You can also order me for Jingles! Cool, ha? This month’s featured websites are: New USA Friendly Casinos – now, you too can enjoy playing the slots and having a great time just like in Vegas, without leaving your living room! Forget Solitaire and Tetris – try New USA Casinos! I will get you hooked! Also, see: Resume Dictionary – are you job searching? This website is full of interesting tips, articles and support in developing the path for your career journey. Whether you’re unemployed or collecting a paycheck, Resume Dictionary will be a helpful tool and resource anytime!
Well, we’ve got just 7 more days and Cassy is done with HS – pretty much her last day and the others will end June 8th. Cassy walks the line June 6th. We’re so proud of her! What does she have planned afterwards? Sleeping – I’m sure. Ha – little does she know, I have loads planned.
I’m still interviewing and trying to find my way in this world! I’ve met so many new people – it’s been great! Many new doors are opening – I just hope one lands a permanent professional placement soon. I truly need a vacation from job searching and scraping to get by. I recently became a member of Hire US, America – visit their website: I received yard/window posters and car bumper stickers to show how I support the unemployed. If you want some of your own, you can order as many as you want for FREE. I love free. There truly isn’t enough in this world that is free – except love and hugs. Ok –well, I know – even love and hugs can come with a price, but from me, they’re given unconditionally.
Now, because of my schedule, I’ll be blogging once a week on both blogs, unless I find something absolutely necessary to write about – which will then become my “special edition”. This way, my readers won’t let their Go-Go Juice go cold while waiting for my articles. Now, with that said, go on with your week with plenty of enthusiasm, solid goals and always with your Go-Go Juice! If you ever have a question, just email me any day and time: I may not be writing daily, but I’m here daily for you when you need me! Have a most productive week!