Using the Gift of Gab,Victoria places focus on random thoughts of news, employment, travel-n-tourism and family ideas that are uplifting and motivating. Join her for a cup of Go-Go Juice to rev up your engines...the most important juice of the day!
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Good morning on this fine Saturday as we wrap up our first week into the Christmas month. What a beautiful day it is...all clouds, cold and rainy...some would say, "more like gloomy, not beautiful". On the contrary, it's Mother Nature's way of saying time to snuggle, don't go anywhere and relax. So, here I am drinking my awesome coffee, snuggled with my Eagle Fleece blanket and typing away, reflecting on the little joys in life. The last I wrote, many moons ago, we were waiting to "de-thaw" in the land of "Frozen" while first watching the movie Frozen with my awesome family. Nine months later, we're just entering the dipping temps and while the movie Frozen is now a leading retail success for upcoming Christmas Gifts, I'm spending a lot of time reflecting on how truly this month, we all tend to reflect on the topic of "giving". In my recent Travel Tips from my website, did I mention how the best gift we can give someone else is of ourselves...our time, our focus, our energy. Sharing the cup of Go-Go Juice with someone else is very rewarding in ways one can't imagine. This time of year, while it is expected to be full of joy and excitement, is more times than none rather depressing and full of tears. It's a time when people measure themselves hoping to have accomplished more than they may have. Others struggle with health issues and other challenges that make the lights on the tree grow dimmer. And then, I met a wonderful lady this week who reminded me that the Divine Being has it all under control. The Plan is there, but we (simple minded people) spend a great deal amount of time and effort in controlling our own lives, creating our own Plan while driving it in directions using crystal balls that are hard to read and then life gets hopeless when chaos enters the scene making our own plans harder to achieve. She is a Cancer Victim and shared with me her story of the joy and crazy simplicity of beating her Cancer and living happily two months later. If my readers re-call an earlier blog post, I mentioned about an old friends wife - she too, is beating the odds. Today, my lovely Aunt is now struggling with the monster of Cancer and I can't count how many tears I've shed in the thought of loosing her. But, she has an amazingly strong spirit and she too, is still with us. As I write this, it would seem she's fallen back and taken a turn for the worse. But, I am reminded she is in good hands. There is a Plan for her and when that plan has been achieved, only then will it be her time to go. I just don't want to see her struggle as so many do. I am so thankful for her and her daughter who takes such good care of her. And, she's been surrounded by very supportive loyal friends. Then, when I think of the Plan, I can reflect on my own immediate family and our crazy life. I do a great deal of worrying when things fall short or don't go the way I "planned". I was humbled yesterday by a new friend who directly helped my family during some recent struggling times. Came out of no-where, hit me in the face (figuratively) saying "that's my purpose". Giving of himself, his time, his focus. We are all Angels to each other and our angelic ways can be the greatest gift of all to someone else. You never know who you run into, the conversations held and how you have an impact in that person's life. Even sharing a blog, a post, or someone's idea can lead to tremendous support from others. Spending time with a child or adult helps him or her learn more, grow more and you too, gain great benefit from the experience of it all. So, today, with a swollen heart, I am spreading the message that there's a plan - let it unfold and be the gift to someone else - the gift that's been waiting! Let your Go-Go Juice fill you with cheer and passion to accomplish the never ending joy. Many blessings!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Good Morning everyone! How have you been? I'm well - just seriously de-thawing. I see it's been since JAN when I last wrote and I must say, my Go-Go Juice truly did freeze over. Crazy winter we've all had and I think I can say for us all, how nice it is to see some higher temps. (Well, for maybe not for those who live in California or Florida or other much warmer territories). We managed to get into the 50's until yesterday when the high went to 39 and it rained and oh - snowed. Really now? But I see 60's in the forecast the next couple weeks...hopefully it really happens.
Since my last post, I've been swamped. Took on a new job that has kept me on my toes non-stop. Absolutely love it! Not a whole lot of time for myself, but then with the weather, not much to do anyway. Heck, it's been an ongoing challenge just to go shopping let alone doing anything fun. But to beat the "cabin-fever" mind set, my family has spent a great deal of time watching movies...we love family time. And of course, we recently watched Disney's Frozen. What a great film! Haven't seen it? Go get a copy! You'll fall in love with Olaf, the Snowman. We tend to watch a lot of movies together - Family Time is very important. Whether in a hotel room, our RV or snuggled up in the family room, we huddle around and pass the popcorn (or, Kit Kat bars, Maltballs, Raisenettes,or anything with chocolate and full of fattening calories!) It's fun to share and listen to my children giggle or share in frightening surprises or be awed by the wonders of movie magic.
Once the weather truly warms up, our family will be looking to go places - places with water like a beach or a lake (that's our favorite). Although, we're not with our kids - two are grown up and living on their own. That's hard since one lives terribly far away, so we Skype frequently with her and one lives not too far, but her work schedule doesn't mesh with ours as well, but we keep trying. Life is too short to not have quality time with your family. So as our winter turns to spring and your Go-Go Juice thaws, start planning "us-time" with your family. Life is too short not too. Until my next post, may your Go-Go Juice inspire you to live life to its fullest.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Go-Go Juice in Prayer....Quite Powerful
Good evening,
First, my apologies, work comes first and man, my Go-Go Juice began with "How did we do last night?" A typical hoteliers response from the weekend, looking at overall bookings, sales potentials and upcoming reservations. And while I'm quite happy with ongoing results....something more personal hit home...a friend who's wife is battling cancer. Ok...some folks immediately roll eyes and go onto Yahoo's most popular trends, or maybe a reader here says, "Really?"..."I've dealt with enough I'm moving onward...". Cancer no doubt is depressing, no doubt a tear jerker and no doubt, when we feel helpless...a topic avoider..." but my topic this week isn't about "Cancer" - the Leach and blood seeking sucker disease that makes victim's lives short and miserable, let a lone the lives of the successors, yet rather the topic of courage, bravery and amazing victory over what doctor's call the "odds" and most impossible, not to mention, the most improbably. Yep....when everyone in a very tight scientific community is ready to "write you off", "call it quits", or "Throw in the towel", there is one scientific method that seems to shed a little light on the topic...Faith!
It would seem, no matter your religion, no matter your faith journey, no matter your beliefs, Faith and Prayer go a long way....a recent statement made by one of my close Facebook Friends from younger Secondary School Years wrote the following:
"September she was given 3 months to live. (roughly 120 days ago)
She fought back Leukemia.
She overcame 3 serious infections.
She was given 48 hours to live.
She coded and was brought back to life.
She managed through a surgery that was supposed to end her life.
She held on through an accidental overdose of pain medications.
She suffered 2 head injuries during her stay. (wrestled delirious to ground)
She survived the poison of chemotherapy sessions 3 times.
She pulled through being covered in ice during 3 severe fevers.
She has been in bed throwing up, sick, weak, sweating, hurting and naked.
She lost all her hair.
She lost her weight.
She has been so weak she cant stand.
She has taken showers half wrapped in plastic sitting on a chair.
She has been living with tubes connected to her heart, even at home.
She fought her way back from life support within 5 days of her surgery.
She beat the odds.
All since the middle of September.
As she began to whisper, she wanted to know what had happened the last few days. I pulled up a chair alongside her. I dimmed the light so she could see me easier. Her eyes still not adjusted. I slowly explained all that had transpired since last Monday.
When I finished, she just lay there. I could see she was overwhelmed.
Why did so many pray? Strangers, friends, family..... People gave their time, their thoughts, their prayers for her. People asked God, if their own faithfulness over 20 years had earned any favor, they asked God to use that grace on ______ (protected in this case) instead of themselves.
(can you believe that???)
How did she do it?
The doctors said no.
The Oncologist said no.
The nurses said no.
The best surgeon said no.
Her body said no.
Her lab results said no.
The E.R. surgeon said no.
The cancer said no.
The odds said no.
But then you guys prayed.
And God said yes. That's how!" - written by a close friend in another social network site.
This is what I woke up to this morning on about a major motivator! So...I would say, when the odds are against us in any day, our Go-Go Juice can in fact multiply and convert into some powerful energy matter our beliefs, religion or faith journey, the purest act of Prayer can be the best Go-Go Juice on Earth! Keep this in mind...when faced with diversity, challenges beyond comprehension, the odds of practicality....or even the improbable...turn to has amazing results and long term effects no matter the situation....what's in your Go-Go Juice this week? I wish each and every one of you enough spirit to follow your "mo-jo" and to see where Go-Go Juice truly impacts your day to day and on-going motivation to say "Yes I Can" when all other odds say "No" to all of you...until next week!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
DISNEY On Go-Go Juice - Get's Put On Ice!
Good Frosty Morning to you....
Writing from Fairborn, OH on yet another chilly morning, sipping on some fully leaded delight. You know, I wanted to write about taking on a new job as I'm thrilled to join a great new company with an awesome new boss and discovered an amazing staff of talented hoteliers, but, something else crawled into my Go-Go Juice this last week and I decided the new job can wait. In fact, taking on a new job, one of the adjustments any individual has is realizing there are many differences out there - differences in opinion, character, skill sets, visions, etc. Adjusting to this shouldn't be so difficult as that's what makes America so great, right? I mean, we're built on a foundation that embraces differences hence the ole' saying, "America's a Melting Pot", right? Sadly, not so.
Differences aren't embraced as easily as some of us would like and in recent public discussions, one icon got discovered for his differences that were in fact, negatively blasted. Mr. Walt Disney. Really? The one American Entrepreneur who's legend stands for just the opposite? Were Mickey and Minnie really founded on a platform of bigotry, sexism and antisemitism? Well, it seems with the help of Meryl Streep and Mr. Walt Disney's close relative confirming it, such accusations do have its merits. ( Don't get me wrong - I love Meryl Streep as an actress and as a person. In fact, to speak out on a negative note publicly regarding the character of someone who is embraced by millions can have its challenges and takes quite a spine to do so. But, is the news really all that bad? In fact, in light of learning of Mr. Disney's not so charming character, enlightened me even more.
Taking another sip of my juice, I reflect on Disneyland and the one ride that captures his vision that does in fact embrace the differences of people - It's a Small World. Then I reflect on the original cartoons and movies (that I remember during my childhood) such as Lady and The Tramp, Fantasia, Dumbo, The Jungle Book, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella...many of them touch the topic of negative differences and how the characters overcame such differences that became heroic, successful and won the hearts of many. Even after Mr. Walt Disney's death in 1966, his visions must have left a positive vibe throughout the company that helped to maintain the essential heartbeat of ensuring future stories and concepts continue to pursue good over evil and that differences in people are indeed a positive strength to carry on. So how does such a man who behind the scenes portrayed something he was not? It goes to show, he must have had to come out of his own skin and think and act beyond his own beliefs. This is not an easy task, but serves as proof that it is possible. Our world history displays many people in leadership roles who could not live beyond their beliefs - who were the center of tyranny, segregation and poor management that lead to much demise. And, no doubt, Mr. Disney lived during an era of many changes....So in the end, Mr. Walt Disney, no matter how "bad" he might have been, is proof to us that people can still impart a positive reaction onto others that benefits mankind - and that's pretty magical.
So, this week, as you reach for your cup of Go-Go Juice, reflect on how you too, can reach beyond your beliefs and see how you too, can make a positive "difference", even in your little corner of the world. Until next week, be the awesome person that you are and keep that Go-Go Juice fresh and flowing!
Monday, January 6, 2014
Keep Your Go-Go Juice on the Burner Today!
Good Monday morning to you! But then, you might not be saying "It's not so good", more like, "rrrr and brrrr and more rrrr". As most of us know, the US is experiencing an Artic Vortex across over 25 states and the temps are " *enough to freeze your face off degrees" (*saw that recently in a web cartoon and thought it was quite appropriate). And that's no joke...poor folks up in Minnesota can experience up to -65 temps with the wind chill factor that can cause frostbite to any exposed skin within 5 minutes of being in the open air...OMG! So...I'm hoping everyone stays indoors and watches out for big ships floating in! It's every reason to keep that Go-Go Juice on the burner all day to stay hot!
Well, we're one week into the New Year and I'm hoping your year is off to a great start! Mine is...I got a job and am moving the family back to Ohio! It's an awesome opportunity with a great company and I can't wait to get started. But not so many are so lucky!!! In fact, many are going to hit rock bottom again once unemployment benefits end if they hadn't already and it's going to e 2008 all over again. That's about the time I started writing my blog - actually more like 2009/2010 after I went two years with no job. I've been there folks, so I know the pain, the challenges and yet, you just can't give up! So, warm up your favorite Go-Go Juice, bundle up in a comfy blanket, take a nice deep breath and let's review some ideas to change it up a bit....
First and foremost, remind yourself about all the talents and passion you have to offer? Think I'm kidding? Nope! Get a piece of paper and write down all the things that make your heart sing. When times get tough, we get desperate and start going after any job, anywhere that will render a paycheck because the bills have to get paid...right? Wrong. I'm not talking set yourself up for a dream job...I'm just pointing out that as we search job vacancies and apply to jobs that don't match you, your past experience, or are in line with your goals, the HR person or hiring manager will totally see that and you are less likely to even get an interview. They'll sense you're applying just for the paycheck. Now, you can find an employer who doesn't care and may hire you regardless...but chances are, the job will not be as rewarding, you probably won't be treated so well and not last very long before either you quit or do something stupid to get fired. So, no matter what stay on track to your goals. Now, maybe, once you've identified areas you fit better into, but there's no job openings - what to do then? Look for volunteer opportunities. Why? One, you're not being paid're not doing anything other than job searching and quite frankly, you're likely to run into negative complacency or just plain depression. Your mind truly needs to functional and your emotions filled with new environments, projects and social stimulation. By volunteering, you're contributing not just your time, but you - your passion, your skill and knowledge. Plus, your giving a company or organization the opportunity to see you in action. This will be helpful for future paid opportunities in many ways. And, if you're volunteering to do "something" in line of your skills, past experience or goals, chances are, you'll find the volunteer job painless and rewarding. Now, I don't suggest volunteering 40 hours of your time, but try 10-15 hours a week. How do you find such opportunities? Call or show up to the place you'd like to work and speak about joining the team. Offer the idea to the HR person or hiring person...they may have not considered such a thought. Do realize, that some companies aren't hiring because revenues are down and they're trying to cut the labor cost...but, "free labor"? Trust me, more will raise an eyebrow to the thought...and the best thing can't lose with rejection's not paid anyway - so you don't feel as bad as if the job came with a check.
Second, consider trying something new...all together - still within your line of interests. This is a bit of re-inventing yourself. Let's say you’re an IT Developer or Network Troubleshooter...ok. Basically, you're skills revolve around computers, data and're used to a particular position and either work for companies or contract yourself about offering training? If you're the one who's done the work, surely you can train a group of people to do the same. You could look for "Training Jobs" or start up your own business...this is just an example. What about a Waitress of a restaurant...this is all you know, but you're not getting anywhere with restaurants....look at what you do as a Server? A Server provides customer service, stays organized, cleans, preps food, handles multiple duties simultaneously, maintains knowledge of food temperatures, plate presentation, manages cash and credit card transactions, stays calm in hectic environments, maintains effective communications with guests, staff and management and plans ahead. In some diners, Servers have been known to even jump on the line and perform some short order cooking - there's more skills learned. So, still out of a job? Take those skills and convert them into something else...front office clerk, grocery clerk, secretary, personal assistant...see where I'm going with this?
Third - network, network, network. I highly recommend joining LinkedIn. What's that? A huge online network site for professionals. What if you're not a professional?'s my opinion...whether you're in a line level or Entry Level type worker or you're an executive, you're still a professional. I expect all my staff members to be professional regardless of their pay grade. In addition, if you present yourself as a professional, see yourself as a professional and work like a professional, others will treat you the same. And on LinkedIn, you'll have access to hiring managers, HR people and get connected to folks who can help you build new relations that may finally lead to the job opportunity you were seeking. There's also groups available that can provide a lot of insight that you can learn from. What about local network activities in your community? Call your Chambers of Commerce and ask about Network opportunities available to local's a great chance to meet local business representatives who one day, may need you. Developing new relations is the greatest thing to open new doors to new possibilities. Plus, it helps keep you sane!
If there's anything I can attest to is NEVER EVER GIVE UP! Giving up only gives yourself an injustice, plus the people around you and those whose live you cross. You are here for a reason and impact each of us with your talent, your passion and your experience. So - keep sipping on your Go-Go Juice and get movin'! I know I for one, am looking forward to your successes in 2014!
Have an awesome (and warmer) week!
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