Thursday, April 1, 2010

Time For Go-Go Juice! - Giant Sea Creatures Attack California's Coast Line!

Wow – my morning has been tied to CNN’s breaking news – a huge weather pattern has developed off the south coast of California near San Diego and while the waves have hit a record breaking 15ft in heighth, the rumbling of water has pulled up some deep sea creatures that make the sharks look timid. According to the news, beaches will be closed while these animals are gathered up by California’s Department of Fish and Game. Huge and grotesque, beach residents are wondering what the heck they are – Water Dust Mites? Deep Sea Cockroaches? Enormous Poisonous Pill Bugs? Actually, the department calls them, Giant Isopod (Bathynomus Giganteus). Officials are warning the public to avoid the ever so popular beaches until they can control the situation. My cousin lives in that area…I wonder what she thinks? Copy and Paste this link to see the creatures! But consider yourself warned as the photos can be horrifying.

Good Morning my friend. Did you check out that site? Ha, made you look! Well, the animal is real and was pulled up from the depths of the ocean and yes, it appears that Southern California is going to get some heavy showers and lightening over the next 24 hours, but the beaches are still open – providing you want to play in the rain. The tea leaves in my Go-Go Juice said to have a little fun this morning. Happy April Fool’s day. Tomorrow marks Good Friday and Peter Cottontail makes his way through the forest carrying loads of colored eggs, chocolate and marshmallow goop by Sunday for Easter. My little Melissa (she’s 3-yrs old) will have a blast! But what’s funny is that I actually felt some sorrow when my 18 year old told me she would not be participating in an Egg Hunt this year. Now – once she turned 12 long ago, I told her she was too old for Egg Hunts, but each year she’s insisted on participating – that she’s never too old or too big to find the sweet goodness of chocolate bunnies and fruity jelly beans at Easter, until now. Folks – my little girl has finally grown up. :( Oh my. The emotional tug-o-wars of being a mom, really sucks. I should be celebrating – 1 kid will soon be out of the nest with 4 still to go. What am I thinking? This is a time of celebration – a time to rejoice in the resurrection of parental freedom – she’ll be responsible for herself! She will get a job and pay her own bills! She can sleep whatever hours she wants in her own home – which won’t disturb me! And then, when she gets sick…oh, well, who will cook her up some soup? Who will help tuck her warmly into bed and ensure she’s wearing cozy socks on her feet? And, if she gets hurt, who will kiss her boo-boo? Oh, crap! Well, maybe I can convince her to hang around for a little longer. Ya, right – not only will she laugh at that idea, but no doubt Dad will keep his arm around me tight while kissing his daughter and giving her a departing gift as he guides her out the door. Lol. Now, how did I get onto this depressing subject? Oh yea, happy go-lucky Egg Hunts. Well, if you have kids, be sure you give them a hug today! Time flies and then they’re gone. And moms, because your babies are gone, you may find yourself buying Egg decorations at Wal-Mart just to cheer yourself up to remind you of your children’s past, the fond memories that will only suck you back into depression – the very reason you bought all that stuff as prevention. Oh – well, I think I’m going to go back to the mighty Giant Isopod pictures and change out the liquid in my Go-Go Juice! I need some new thoughts. Enjoy your day! And don’t get too mad at your friend who threw the “Kick Me” sign on your back.

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