Friday, May 7, 2010

Time For Go-Go Juice! - Cutting Coupons Doesn't Always Save You Money

OMG – are you sitting down with your Go-Go Juice this morning? Well – I last remember sipping mine when a bright light swallowed my whole being while cute little green men paraded around me showering me with sparkling jewels and sweet smelling rose pedals…OK – who spiked my coffee?

Ha – just kidding. It has been tremendously busy as we wrap up the end of the school year, continue the job search and get ready for the summer season. But you’ll be glad to know, I never put my Go-Go Juice down for one measly minute. It’s my main motivator to find ways to make money and save money. How many of you spend countless waking hours in contemplating the same? In this economy…I bet everyone is. All my close “buds” know that I do what I can to make an income, at least until I finally achieve a replacement from my last lost job – I offer everything from consultation to short term projects to helping out a neighbor to writing jingles (yes – I write jingles…check out my website). But, I can attest, it’s never enough. Hence, I do everything I can to save or as some would call, I’m thrifty. Now, the one thing I’ve noticed is when standing in line at the grocery store, I get a kick out of people who are what I term as “coupon fanatics”. I look through the Sunday Newspaper goody section – but I must say, I never really find coupons for what I buy, so I don’t use as many coupons unlike others, which leads me to wonder if people change their purchasing habits or needs based on discounts they find. For instance, I don’t normally purchase Tide (although I think it’s the best product on the market, it is one of the most expensive detergents – obviously for good reasons), however, I save usually over $4.00 a bottle by buying a lesser brand detergent that still does a good job at getting clothes clean. However, there’s a coupon for $1.00 of Tide – now…I can get double coupon savings (meaning $2.00), but that means I would be still spending an extra $2.00 than what I would budget. What about glass cleaner? I buy the generic brand that costs me no more than $1.19, but Windex offers a coupon for .35 cents off two bottles whereas I would have to spend almost $2.50 more to buy the product to get the savings. Do you see where I’m going with this? I think a lot of people “think” they’re saving money by using coupons when in reality, they are actually spending more just to use the coupon. We all pinch pennies, but truly, in our own perceptions, do we actually run the calculator and determine if we’re really saving or are we costing ourselves? How many of you go shopping for clothes on regular basis? If you do, the only question is, do you wear them? Are they needed? Clearly my baby Melissa does not need more clothes – she has plenty, but my house guest comes home more often lately with new little “outfits” that she spent .50 cents to $1.00 per outfit. Now, in the spirit of saving money – how cool is it to buy an outfit at such dirt cheap prices? But on the same token, it was not money saved…it was money spent.

I’ll be the first to say; that we need to spend a little now and then…it is good health to splurge a little whether it’s for you or for someone else. But on an ongoing basis, you’ll wind up in the “poor house” or at least have a longer time getting out of it. I came across an article provided by the New York Times, written by Alina Tugend. Its title is Penny-Pinching is Fine, but it Won’t Save the Profligate. I encourage you read it.

Well, it’s onward and upward my dear readers. Keep your Go-Go Juice nearby and sip it with a friend. Have an amazing weekend.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Time For Go-Go Juice! - It's Great to be a Mom!

Amid the howling winds and thundering clouds, as rain drowns the tender leaves; The storm is mighty but short lived; again the sun will rise above the trees" - By Victoria Meyers

And that it has dear readers. Good morning. It’s the first Monday of May and it’s going to be a beautiful day here in Lewis Center, Ohio. Mmmm, my Go-Go Juice tastes pretty good this morning…how about yours? Just eighteen more school days left and we can rejoice in the end of another exhausting year (at least for the first two weeks of summer break, until we’re ready to put the kids right back in – I know they’re gonna drive us nuts!) The weekend was a success! Cassy was a Prom Princess! She wore a beautiful red satin gown with a matching shoulder scarf; her long blonde hair flowed freely in finger curls and was escorted by a very nice boy who had graduated the year prior. Having taken tons of photos, danced the night away, she returned in absolute awe. She said she finally felt like a “teenager” for the first time and she got to dance her very first “slow dance” twice with her date. I’ll never forget my Prom and am quite sure she won’t either. It’s all about creating lasting memories. This is when it’s fun to be a mom!

Speaking of which, what are you doing for Mother’s Day? May 9th, this next Sunday, we get to celebrate all the wonderful things our mothers do for us….ummm – I can think of a few things we do like wake up kids for school, cook, clean, work, make appointments, help with homework, break up fights, facilitate sibling rivalries, remind kids for all the things they forget, pack the lunch, find the missing IPod, wash clothes, play taxi driver, encourage, cheerlead at all games, write notes for (who ever needs one), resolve problems, listen, discipline, teach, mentor, hug, play nurse, throw footballs, dance with and play “make-up artist”, keep the peace and somehow in all of it, help them to find their “identity” because they lost it after they turned 15. But, this is just to name a few things on our “to-do” lists. And, would we do them whether we were celebrated or not? Yes, because we’re Mom’s, plain and simple. We want the best for our family and we can get pretty opinionated about it too! To be celebrated and thanked for our unconditional love and offerings is no doubt very cool. What can you do for your mom? Do you ever wonder what might be a unique idea that would make her feel special? Here are some ideas:

- Get a piece of paper, fold it, grab a crayon in her favorite color and write something from your heart. It reminds her of you as a wee-little one and will touch her innermost “mommy” spirit.

- Take her to a restaurant of her favorite where she never gets to go.

- Treat her to a day spa for a day of pampering.

- Put a bunch of photos together and create a film to watch together as a family that reminds of her of why she is so valued and to see her contributions light up on the screen.

- Take her out to a club and go dancing – when was the last time you remember mom going out to dance?

- Take mom to the Zoo and have a picnic there.

There are lots of things you can do for mom that tell her how much you care. Sometimes it can be a simple hug. But then, I recommend you do this more often than once a year.

Sip on the sweet goodness of your Go-Go Juice and surely you’ll come up with just the right thing that Mom would absolutely love! Have a great day!