Sunday, April 11, 2010

Time For Go-Go Juice! - How Much Coffee is Too Much?

“Have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.”
- Cinderella, Disney 1950

Well, I’m pooped. I know – it’s Sunday, not Saturday. I totally skipped yesterday. Here’s why…Did you have your Go-Go Juice yesterday? I didn’t. Racing out yesterday morning to whisk my daughter out the door to acquire her prom dress, I left my Go-Go Juice behind. What an atrocity! How neglectful, shameful, careless…how sad. But, we took the bull by the horns anyway. And, now, with the dress and its accessories, Cassy has proudly pranced around to show off how she will be transformed into Cinderella for her upcoming Prom. An all day event that turned successful. Hundreds of young senior girls were out this weekend with the same goals in mind. But of course, it came with compromises – and leaving you alone for a day with no posts was one of them. So hence, with Go-Go Juice in hand this morning, I’m here to say a warm hello and will try not to go another day without the juice! LOL.

Here is some trivia…while I thought I was one of the few psychotic coffee drinkers, I learned something of interest. It appears I’m not alone. Did you know based on data collected ten years ago, (you say, “what the heck, ten years ago? What’s the point?” Well, I couldn’t find anything more current – probably because those who did the test died from over caffeinating themselves), however, back then, there were over 108 million consumers of coffee in the US alone who spent approximately $17 billion dollars on coffee in both retail and food sectors spending approximately $165.00 annually in grounds. Hmmm…I know I spend about $240 yearly when I buy two large canisters monthly at about $9.00 per can, unless it’s on sale (the difference from stats is probably inflation). Now, last night, the History Channel quoted one of our submarine sectors, the USS Kentucky, buys approximately 5,000 pounds a year in coffee grounds currently, averaging about 1 pot of coffee per sailor per day consumed. I’ve never given that any thought before? Can you imagine? I did a little more research. As found online at through Chief of Naval Operations Submarine Warfare Division with a web address of - I found unless under specific orders, subs go out to sea for weeks at a time but are equipped to store foods and goods for up to 90-days of sail time. Most submarines employ 14 Officers, 18 Petty Officers and approximately 109 enlisted men. Now, the reality is, submarines are designed to attack or defend – so here we have approximately 140 people living in tight quarters, no sunlight, no moonlight, no windows and their only means of seeing the outside world is through a peep hole of a periscope, their bedrooms are 15 square feet of space for sleeping and personal stuff, they get about 6 hours of sleep a day based on assigned work projects that basically contribute to the common goal of maintaining a roving machine that carries ballistic missiles, fleet missiles, and yes, nuclear weapons – and these guys are strung up on a pot of caffeine a day each? Hmmm, maybe it’s not such a good idea. Go-Go Juice here, takes on a whole new meaning. Whew! Join me tomorrow for another week of family, trivia, ideas, employment and whatever else pops up. Enjoy your Sunday!

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