Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Time For Go-Go Juice! - Don't Let Rejection Deject You!

Another day, another phone call, meeting, connection, errand, email, kiss, hug, munchie, and of course another cup of Go-Go Juice. Hello! Went off to meet, greet, discover and’s an everyday task. You know, meeting, greeting and discovering are a piece of cake! It’s the acquiring that’s the hardest to accomplish. I know when people go out into the field to sell a product or for whatever project, obtain support, it is often they run into "No's". What about job hunting - a cold call sale to inquire about a specific opening or need also often results in a "No". I've had a few people talk to me about how getting that "No" is a big downer, is dis-motivating and how they hate getting rejected. When rejection becomes the norm, one has to ask why then, does depression become an issue. The Merriam Webster Dictionary Online states that rejection is defined as 1a) to refuse to accept, consider, submit to, take for some purpose or use. Psychology teaches us that rejection can be a contributing factor to depression as nobody likes to be rejected. As kids, we hated to be told no when we wanted a cookie or when we wanted to wear our bathing suits out in the snow, or to play outside after dark. As adults, we get rejected in relationships, friendships, when trying to sell a product, or simply when we ask the boss for a special day off and told, “No”. I think no matter what the case, we hate being told, “No”. It takes away desire, a need, lowers expectations, stops us in our tracks and makes us think we can’t move forward. On the other hand, rejection is actually an immune response. Honestly, we get rejected on a daily basis, so hence, we become immune to the word and move on. The life of a sales person is full of rejection. Consumers tell sales people frequently, “Hey, it’s nothing personal, we just aren’t interested” or “Sorry, and I’m not buying at this time”. Rejection is just that, a “no”. It’s truly an opportunity to find a “yes”. A good sales person will always expect a “no” and hopefully maneuver around the “no” until a more level ground is discovered and a “yes” can be achieved. I have to agree though; it’s a lot easier said than done, sometimes. But, you know, my father taught me a valuable lesson growing up – to always ask when you don’t know the answer. The worse you’ll get is a “No”. The world does not come to an end and with a “no” you can actually identify how to possibly make it a “yes” for understanding the reason behind the “no”. Now, my dad was no psychologist – he was a salesman and an excellent one at that! Many people who know me wonder how it is I’m able to stay so chipper or positive minded. For one, my Go-Go Juice keeps me on my toes and when I get told “no” I think of my dad. So, if you’re having a tough week this week with rejection, remind yourself that with each rejection is another opportunity. Study the reason behind it and give it another try. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Keep up the great work, go around the rejections, and for heaven’s sake, keep drinking your Go-Go Juice! Chow!

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